Labour’s Shameful Hypocrisy

Labour’s shameful hypocrisy in receiving multiple gifts of clothing, spectacles, heating and sporting events, with probably more yet to be revealed is beyond belief for a party that has many times sought to blame and shame other party politicians for doing exactly the same. Their actions in accepting such financial rewards is reminiscent of Communist Party Politburo style leadership.

The rot appears to be going deeper with yet more revelations about Labour hierarchy in particular taking expensive gifts whilst pensioners hunker down to a very cold and damp winter through which some may not survive. 

Yet our local MP, Jayne Kirkham is deadly silent on these issues. There is zero content on her website addressing these issues, nor any mention in her day to day commenting.

She does, however, according to her website have proud backing from the GMB Union, the NUM, Unison, the Fire Brigade Union and several other Labour activist organisations. No doubt her union backers are cock a hoop, salivating at the expectation of receiving massive pay increases at the expense of pensioners and many other vulnerable groups who will loose out thanks to HER party’s aggressive policies to boost union workers pay at the expense of others less fortunate.